Translating rmlint

Rudimentary support for internationalization is provided via gettext. Also see this Issue for a list of translators, current translations and a wish-list of new translations.

Adding new languages

# Fork a new .po file from the po-template (here swedish):
$ msginit -i po/rmlint.pot -o po/se.po --locale se --no-translator

# Edit the po/se.po file, the format is self describing
$ vim po/se.po

# .po files need to be compiled, but that's handled by scons already.
$ scons
$ scons install

# You should see your changes now:
$ LANG=se ./rmlint

If you’d like to contribute your new translation you want to do a pull request (if you really dislike that, you may also send the translation to us via mail). Here is a small introduction on Pull Requests.

Updating existing languages

# Edit the file to your needs:
$ vim po/xy.po

# Install:
$ scons install

# Done
$ LANG=xy ./rmlint

Marking new strings for translations

If you want to mark strings in the C-code to be translated, you gonna need to mark them so the xgettext can find it. The latter tool goes through the source and creates a template file with all translations left out.

/* Mark the string with the _() macro */
fprintf(out, _("Stuff is alright: %s\n"), (alright) ? "yes" : "no");

It gets a little harder when static strings need to be marked, since they cannot be translated during compile time. You have to mark them first and translate them at a later point:

static const char * stuff = _N("Hello World");

void print_world(void) {
    printf("World is %s\n", _(stuff));

After you’re done with marking the new strings, you have to update the template:

# scons can do this for you already:
$ scons xgettext

You need to add the new strings to the existing translations now:

$ msgmerge po/de.po po/rmlint.pot > po/de_new.po
$ EDITOR po/de_new.po   # check if everything was merged alright.
$ mv po/de_new.po po/de.po

After that you can translate the new strings and proceed like in the upper steps.