======== Tutorial ======== Welcome to the Tutorial of ``rmlint``. We use a few terms that might not be obvious to you at first, so we gonna explain them to you here. :*Duplicate*: A file that has the same hash as another file. :*Original*: In a group of *duplicates*, one file is said to be the original file, from which the copies where created. This might or might not be true, but is an helpful assumption when deleting files. Beginner Examples ----------------- Let's just dive in into some examples: .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint This simply scans your current working directory for lint and reports them in your terminal. Note that **nothing will be removed** (even if it prints ``rm``). Despite it's name, ``rmlint`` just finds suspicious files, but never modifies the filesystem itself [*]_. Instead it gives you detailed reports in different formats to get rid of them yourself. These reports are called *outputs*. By default a shellscript will be written to ``rmlint.sh`` that contains readily prepared shell commands to remove duplicates and other finds, .. [*] You could say it should be named ``findlint``. So for the above example, the full process would be: .. code-block:: bash `-FF`` together with this option. rmlint # (wait for rmlint to finish running) $ gedit rmlint.sh # (or any editor you prefer... review the content of rmlint.sh to # check what it plans to delete; make any edits as necessary) $ ./rmlint.sh # (the rmlint.sh script will ask for confirmation, then delete the # appropriate lint, then delete itself) Filtering --------- What if we do not want to check all files as dupes? ``rmlint`` has a good reportoire of options to select only certain files. We won't cover all options, but the useful ones. If those options do not suffice, you can always use external tools to feed ``rmlint's stdin``: .. code-block:: bash $ find pics/ -iname '*.png' | rmlint - Limit files by size using ``--size`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash # only check files between 20 MB and 1 Gigabyte: $ rmlint --size 20M-1G # short form (-s) works just as well: $ rmlint -s 20M-1G # only check files bigger than 4 kB: $ rmlint -s 4K # only check files smaller than 1234 bytes: $ rmlint -s 0-1234 Valid units include: | K,M,G,T,P for powers of 1000 | KB, MB, GB etc for powers of 1024 If no units are given, ``rmlint`` assumes bytes. Limit files by their basename ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, ``rmlint`` compares file contents, regardless of file name. So if afile.jpg has the same content as bfile.txt (which is unlikely!), then rmlint will find and report this as a duplicate. You can speed things up a little bit by telling rmlint not to try to match files unless they have the same or similar file names. The three options here are: | ``-b`` (``--match-basename``) | ``-e`` (``--match-extension``) | ``-i`` (``--match-without-extension``) . Examples: .. code-block:: bash # Find all duplicate files with the same basename: $ rmlint -b some_dir/ ls some_dir/one/hello.c rm some_dir/two/hello.c # Find all duplicate files that have the same extension: $ rmlint -e some_dir/ ls some_dir/hello.c rm some_dir/hello_copy.c # Find all duplicate files that have the same basename: # minus the extension $ rmlint -e some_dir/ ls some_dir/hello.c rm some_dir/hello.bak Limit files by their modification time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an useful feature if you want to investigate only files newer than a certain date or if you want to progessively update the results, i.e. when you run ``rmlint`` in a script that watches a directory for duplicates. The most obvious way is using ``-N`` (``--newer-than=``): .. code-block:: bash # Use a Unix-UTC Timestamp (seconds since epoch) $ rmlint -N 1414755960% # Find all files newer than file.png $ rmlint -N $(stat --print %Y file.png) # Alternatively use a ISO8601 formatted Timestamp $ rmlint -N 2014-09-08T00:12:32+0200 If you are checking a large directory tree for duplicates, you can get a supstantial speedup by creating a timestamp file each time you run rmlint. To do this, use command line options: ``-n`` (``--newer-than-stamp``) and ``-O stamp:stamp.file`` (we'll come to outputs in a minute): Here's an example for incrementally scanning your home folder: .. code-block:: bash # First run of rmlint: $ rmlint /home/foobar -O stamp:/home/foobar/.rmlint.stamp ls /home/foobar/a.file rm /home/foobar/b.file # Second run, no changes: $ rmlint /home/foobar -n /home/foobar/.rmlint.stamp # Second run, new file copied: $ cp /home/foobar/a.file /home/foobar/c.file $ rmlint /home/foobar -n /home/foobar/.rmlint.stamp ls /home/foobar/a.file rm /home/foobar/b.file rm /home/foobar/c.file Note that ``-n`` updates the timestamp file each time it is run. Outputs ------- ``rmlint`` is capable to create it's reports in several output-formats. Actually if you run it with the default options you already see two of those formatters: Namely ``pretty`` and ``summary``. Formatters can be added via the ``-O`` (``--add-output``) switch. The ``-o`` (``--output``) instead clears all defaults first and does the same as ``-O`` afterwards. .. note:: If you just came here to learn how to print a nice progressbar: Just use the ``-g`` (``--progress``) option. Example: .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint -g -VVV /usr # -VVV is just to prevent pointless warnings Here's an example: .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint -o json:stderr Here you would get this output printed on ``stderr``: .. code-block:: javascript [{ "description": "rmlint json-dump of lint files", "cwd": "/home/user/", "args": "rmlint -o json:stderr" }, { "type": "duplicate_file", "path": "/home/user/test/b/one", "size": 2, "inode": 2492950, "disk_id": 64771, "is_original": true, "mtime": 1414587002 }, ... snip ... { "aborted": false, "total_files": 145, "ignored_files": 9, "ignored_folders": 4, "duplicates": 11, "duplicate_sets": 2, "total_lint_size": 38 }] You probably noticed the colon in the commandline above. Everything before it is the name of the output-format, everything behind is the path where the output should land. Instead of an path you can also use ``stdout`` and ``stderr``, as we did above. Some formatters might be configured to generate subtly different output using the ``-c`` (``--config``) command. Here's the list of currently available formatters and their config options: :json: Outputs all finds as a json document. The document is a list of dictionaries, where the first and last element is the header and the footer respectively, everything between are data-dictionaries. This format was chosen to allow application to parse the output in realtime while ``rmlint`` is still running. The header contains information about the proram invocation, while the footer contains statistics about the program-run. Every data element has a type which identifies it's lint type (you can lookup all types here_). **Config values:** - *use_header=[true|false]:* Print the header with metadata. - *use_footer=[true|false]:* Print the footer with statistics. .. _here: https://github.com/sahib/rmlint/blob/develop/src/file.c#L95 :sh: Outputs a shell script that has default commands for all lint types. The script can be executed (it is already `chmod +x``'d by ``rmlint``). By default it will ask you if you really want to proceed. If you do not want that you can pass the ``-d``. Addionally it will delete itself after it ran, except you passed the ``-x`` switch. It is enabled by default and writes to ``rmlint.sh``. Example output: .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint -o sh:stdout #!/bin/sh # This file was autowritten by rmlint # rmlint was executed from: /home/user/ # You command line was: ./rmlint -o sh:rmlint.sh # ... snip ... echo '/home/user/test/b/one' # original rm -f '/home/user/test/b/file' # duplicate rm -f '/home/user/test/a/two' # duplicate rm -f '/home/user/test/a/file' # duplicate if [ -z $DO_REMOVE ] then rm -f 'rmlint.sh'; fi **Config values:** - *use_ln=[true|false]:* Replace duplicate files with symbolic links (if on different device as original) or with hardlinks (if on same device as original). - *symlinks_only=[true|false]:* Always use symbolic links with *use_ln*, never hardlinks. **Example:** .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint -o sh:stdout -o sh:rmlint.sh -c sh:use_ln=true -c sh:symlinks_only=true ... echo '/home/user/test/b/one' # original ln -s '/home/user/test/b/file' # duplicate $ ./rmlint.sh -d /home/user/test/b/one :py: Outputs a python script and a JSON document, just like the **json** formatter. The JSON document is written to ``.rmlint.json``, executing the script will make it read from there. This formatter is mostly intented for complex usecases where the lint needs special handling. Therefore the python script can be modified to do things standard ``rmlint`` is not able to do easily. You have the full power of the Python language for your task, use it! **Example:** .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint -o py:remover.py $ ./remover.py --dry-run # Needs Python3 Deleting twins of /home/user/sub2/a Handling (duplicate_file): /home/user/sub1/a Handling (duplicate_file): /home/user/a Deleting twins of /home/user/sub2/b Handling (duplicate_file): /home/user/sub1/b :csv: Outputs a csv formatted dump of all lint files. It looks like this: .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint -o csv -D type,path,size,checksum emptydir,"/home/user/tree2/b",0,00000000000000000000000000000000 duplicate_dir,"/home/user/test/b",4,f8772f6fda08bbc826543334663d6f13 duplicate_dir,"/home/user/test/a",4,f8772f6fda08bbc826543334663d6f13 duplicate_dir,"/home/user/tree/b",8,62202a79add28a72209b41b6c8f43400 duplicate_dir,"/home/user/tree/a",8,62202a79add28a72209b41b6c8f43400 duplicate_dir,"/home/user/tree2/a",4,311095bc5669453990cd205b647a1a00 **Config values:** - *use_header=[true|false]:* Print the column name headers. :stamp: Outputs a timestamp of the time ``rmlint`` was run. **Config values:** - *iso8601=[true|false]:* Write an ISO8601 formatted timestamps or seconds since epoch? :pretty: Prettyprints the finds in a colorful output supposed to be printed on *stdout* or *stderr.* This is what you see by default. :summary: Sums up the run in a few lines with some statistics. This enabled by default too. :progressbar: Prints a progressbar during the run of ``rmlint``. This is recommended for large runs where the ``pretty`` formatter would print thousands of lines. **Config values:** - *update_interval=number:* Number of files to wait between updates. Higher values use less resources. :fdupes: A formatter that behaves similar to **fdupes(1)** - another duplicate finder. This is mostly indented for compatibility (e.g. scripts that relied on that format). Duplicate set of files are printed as block, each separated by a newline. Original files are highlighted in green (this is an addition). At the start and beginning a progressbar and summary is printed. The latter two are printed to ``stderr``, while the parseable lines will be printed to ``stdout``. Consider using the far more powerful ``json`` output for scripting purposes. Paranoia -------- Let's face it, why should you trust ``rmlint``? Technically it only computes a hash of your file which might, by it's nature, collide with the hash of a totally different file. If we assume a *perfect* hash function (i.e. one that distributes it's hash values perfectly even over all possible values), the probablilty of having a hash-collision is :math:`\frac{1}{2^{128}}` for the default 128-bit hash. Of course hash functions are not totally random, so the collision probability is slightly higher. If you're wary you might want to make a bit more paranoid than it's default. By default the ``spooky`` hash algorithm is used, which we consider a good tradeoff of speed and accuracy. ``rmlint``'s paranoia level can be easily inc/decreased using the ``-p`` (``--paranoid``)/ ``-P`` (``--less-paranoid``) option (which might be given up to three times each). Here's what they do in detail: * ``-p`` is equivalent to ``--algorithm=bastard`` * ``-pp`` is equivalent to ``--algorithm=sha512`` * ``-ppp`` is equivalent to ``--algorithm=paranoid`` As you see, it just enables a certain hash algorithm. ``--algorithm`` changes the hash algorithm to someting more secure. ``bastard`` is a 256bit hash that consists of two 128bit subhashes (``murmur3`` and ``city`` if you're curious). One level up the well-known ``sha512`` (with 512bits obviously) is used. Another level up, no hash function is used. Instead, files are compared byte-by-byte (which guarantees collision free output). There is a bunch of other hash functions you can lookup in the manpage. We recommend never to use the ``-P`` option. .. note:: Even with the default options, the probability of a false positive doesn't really start to get significant until you have around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 files all of the same file size. Bugs in ``rmlint`` are sadly (or happily?) more likely than hash collisions. Original detection ------------------ As mentioned before, ``rmlint`` divides a group of dupes in one original and clones of that one. While the chosen original might not be the one that was there first, it is a good thing to keep one file of a group to prevent dataloss. The way ``rmlint`` chooses the original can be driven by the ``-S`` (``--sortcriteria``) option. Here's an example: .. code-block:: bash # Normal run: $ rmlint ls c rm a rm b # Use alphabetically first one as original $ rmlint -S a ls a rm b rm c Alphabetically first makes sense in the case of backup files, ie **a.txt.bak** comes after **a.txt**. Here's a table of letters you can supply to the ``-S`` option: ===== =========================== ===== =========================== **m** keep lowest mtime (oldest) **M** keep highest mtime (newest) **a** keep first alphabetically **A** keep last alphabetically **p** keep first named path **P** keep last named path ===== =========================== ===== =========================== The default setting is ``-S m`` -- which takes the oldest file, determined by it's modification time. Multiple sort criteria can be specified, eg ``-S mpa`` will sort first by mtime, then (if tied), based on which path you specified first in the rmlint command, then finally based on alphabetical order of file name. Note that "original directory" criteria (see below) take precedence over the ``-S`` options. Flagging original directories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But what if you know better than ``rmlint``? What if your originals are in some specific path, while you know that the files in it are copied over and over? In this case you can flag directories on the commandline to be original, by using a special separator (//) between the duplicate and original paths. Every path after the // separator is considered to be "tagged" and will be treated as an original where possible. Tagging always takes precedence over the ``-S`` options above. .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint a // b ls b/file rm a/file If there are more than one tagged files in a duplicate group then the highest ranked (per ``-S`` options) will be kept. In order to never delete any tagged files, there is the ``-k`` (``--keep-all-tagged``) option. A slightly more esoteric option is ``-m`` (``--must-match-tagged``), which only looks for duplicates where there is an original in a tagged path. Here's a real world example using these features: I have an portable backup drive with some old backups on it. I have just backed up my home folder to a new backup drive. I want to reformat the old backup drive and use it for something else. But first I want to check that there are no "originals" on the drive. The drive is mounted at /media/portable. .. code-block:: bash # Find all files on /media/portable that can be safely deleted: $ rmlint -km /media/portable // ~ # check the shellscript looks ok: $ less ./rmlint.sh # run the shellscript to delete the redundant backups $ ./rmlint.sh # run again (to delete empty dirs) $ rmlint -km /media/portable // ~ $ ./rmlint.sh # see what files are left: $ tree /media/portable # recover any files that you want to save, then you can safely reformat the drive In the case of nested mountpoints, it may sometimes makes sense to use the opposite variations, ``-K`` (``--keep-all-untagged``) and ``-M`` (``--must-match-untagged``). Finding duplicate directories ----------------------------- .. note:: ``--merge-directories`` is still an experimental option that is non-trivial to implement. Please double check the output and report any possible bugs. As far as we know, ``rmlint`` is the only duplicate finder that can do this. Basically, all you have to do is to specify the ``-D`` (``--merge-directories``) option and ``rmlint`` will cache all duplicate until everything is found and then merge them into full duplicate directories (if any). All other files are printed normally. This may sound simple after all, but there are some caveats you should know of. Let's create a tricky folder structure to demonstrate the feature: .. code-block:: bash $ mkdir -p fake/one/two/ fake/one/two_copy fake/one_copy/two fake/one_copy/two_copy $ echo xxx > fake/one/two/file $ echo xxx > fake/one/two_copy/file $ echo xxx > fake/one_copy/two/file $ echo xxx > fake/one_copy/two_copy/file $ echo xxx > fake/file $ echo xxx > fake/another_file Now go run ``rmlint`` on it like that: .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint fake -D -S a # Duplicate Directorie(s): ls -la /home/sahib/rmlint/fake/one rm -rf /home/sahib/rmlint/fake/one_copy ls -la /home/sahib/rmlint/fake/one/two rm -rf /home/sahib/rmlint/fake/one/two_copy # Duplicate(s): ls /home/sahib/rmlint/fake/another_file rm /home/sahib/rmlint/fake/one/two/file rm /home/sahib/rmlint/fake/file ==> In total 6 files, whereof 5 are duplicates in 1 groups. ==> This equals 20 B of duplicates which could be removed. As you can see it correctly recognized the copies as duplicate directories. Also, it did not stop at ``fake/one`` but also looked at what parts of this original directory could be possibly removed too. Files that could not be merged into directories are printed separately. Note here, that the original is taken from a directory that was preserved. So exactly one copy of the ``xxx``-content file stays on the filesystem in the end. ``rmlint`` finds duplicate directories by counting all files in the directory tree and looking up if there's an equal amount of duplicate and empty files. If so, it tries the same with the parent directory. Some file like hidden files will not be recognized as duplicates, but still added to the count. This will of course lead to unmerged directories. That's why the ``-D`` option implies the ``-r`` (``--hidden``) and ``-l`` (``--hardlinked``) option in order to make this convenient. A note to symbolic links: The default behaviour is to not follow symbolic links, but to compare the link targets. If the target is the same, the link will be the same. This is a sane default for duplicate directories, since twin copies often are created by doing a backup of some files. In this case any symlinks in the backupped data will still point to the same target. If you have symlinks that reference a file in each respective directory tree, consider using ``-f``. .. warning:: Do *never ever* modify the filesystem (especially deleting files) while running with the ``-D`` option. This can lead to mismatches in the file count of a directory, possibly causing dataloss. You have been warned! Sometimes it might be nice to only search for duplicate directories, banning all the sole files from littering the screen. While this will not delete all files, it will give you a nice overview of what you copied where. Since duplicate directories are just a lint type as every other, you can just pass it to ``-T``: ``-T "none +dd"`` (or ``-T "none +duplicatedirs"``). There's also a preset of it to save you some typing: ``-T minimaldirs``. Misc options ------------ If you read so far, you know ``rmlint`` pretty well by now. Here's just a list of options that are nice to know, but not essential: - ``-r`` (``--hidden``): Include hidden files and directories - this is to save you from destroying git repositories (or similar programs) that save their information in a ``.git`` directory where ``rmlint`` often finds duplicates. If you want to be safe you can do something like this: .. code-block:: bash $ find . | grep -v '\(.git\|.svn\)' | rmlint - But you would have checked the output anyways? - If something ever goes wrong, it might help to increase the verbosity with ``-v`` (up to ``-vvv``). - Usually the commandline output is colored, but you can disable it explicitly with ``-w`` (``--with-color``). If *stdout* or *stderr* is not an terminal anyways, ``rmlint`` will disable colors itself. - You can limit the traversal depth with ``-d`` (``--max-depth``): .. code-block:: bash $ rmlint -d 0 - If you want to prevent ``rmlint`` from crossing mountpoints (e.g. scan a home directory, but no the HD mounted in there), you can use the ``-X`` (``--no-crossdev``) option. - It is possible to tell ``rmlint`` that it should not scan the whole file. With ``-q`` (``--clamp-low``) / ``-Q`` (``--clamp-top``) it is possible to limit the range to a starting point (``-q``) and end point (``-Q``). The point where to start might be either given as percent value, factor (percent / 100) or as an absolute offset. If the file size is lower than the absolute offset, the file is simply ignored. This feature might prove useful if you want to examine files with a constant header. The constant header might be different, i.e. by a different ID, but the content might be still the same. In any case it is advisable to use this option with care. Example: .. code-block:: bash # Start hashing at byte 100, but not more than 90% of the filesize. $ rmlint -q 100 -Q.9